Impressions Of Near-Death Experiences

Quotations From Over 100 Experiencers

2023 Robert Christophor Coppes, PhD

5 Stars
Painting by Claude Monet (public domain)

Deeply affecting and genuine

12 November 2023

I rarely feel emotionally overwhelmed when reading spiritual literature, but this book did it. It made me cry. That alone makes it stand out from the vast array of spiritual books available today. I felt connected to the people mentioned by the author. Their stories were both credible and touching. Not only that, having been through quite a lot in life, I truly relate to the immense difficulties some of them have had in their lives. I felt it, and by telling their story, they allow us to vividly imagine their NDE's, almost like a participatory experience. I am very grateful for the author and the experiencers sharing their stories and impressions with us. It helps many of us reflect on life in ways we rarely do, something truly priceless.


  • Paperback:‎ 258 pages
  • E-book: 255 pages
  • ISBN-10:‎ 0997560894
  • ISBN-13:‎ 978-0997560893

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10 Important learnings and insights

  1. Nature of NDEs
    NDEs are diverse, occurring in various situations like medical crises or psychological stress, and are often described as transitions to another realm, where the individual's consciousness exists outside of their physical body​​.
  2. Consciousness Beyond Physical Body
    Many experiencers report a separation from their physical body, gaining new perceptions and understanding that their identity extends beyond their physical form​​.
  3. Veridical Observations
    These experiences often include observations that are later verified as accurate, suggesting that consciousness can exist independently of the brain and hinting at the possibility of life after death​​.
  4. Non-Material World
    Experiencers describe a non-material world that is more beautiful and dimensional than our own, where concepts like time and physical barriers do not apply, and knowledge is freely available​​.
  5. Unconditional Love
    A profound sense of unconditional love is a recurring theme in NDEs, described as overwhelming and life-changing, indicating its paramount importance both in the afterlife and in our current existence​​.
  6. Life Review
    Many NDErs undergo a life review, where they relive their actions and feel the effects of their behavior on others, leading to insights about the interconnectedness of all actions and the importance of love and kindness​​.
  7. Universal Connectedness
    A deep sense of interconnectedness with all beings and the universe is a common insight, along with the realization that our actions and thoughts have far-reaching effects​​.
  8. Personal Growth and Responsibility
    Experiencers often return with a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility for their actions, and a deeper understanding of their role in the grand scheme of existence​​.
  9. Distressing NDEs
    Not all NDEs are blissful; some are distressing, serving as catalysts for personal growth and expanded consciousness. The nature of the experience is influenced by the individual's mindset and life circumstances​​.
  10. Transformational Impact
    NDEs frequently lead to significant personal transformation, altering beliefs, values, and behaviors, and instilling a strong sense of unity, love, and purpose in the experiencers' lives​​.

In-depth summary

In "Impressions of Near-Death Experiences," Robert Christophor Coppes, PhD, embarks on a journey to explore the mysterious and profound phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). Through quotations from over 100 individuals who have undergone these experiences, the book offers a panoramic view of what NDEs entail. Coppes emphasizes the diversity of circumstances under which NDEs occur, ranging from medical crises to psychological or existential stress, and cautions against definitive claims about the afterlife, suggesting that NDEs provide impressions rather than concrete evidence.

One of the most intriguing aspects of NDEs, as highlighted in the book, is the sensation of consciousness existing outside the physical body. Many experiencers report observing events and surroundings from a vantage point beyond their physical form, suggesting a form of consciousness that can operate independently of the brain. This observation challenges conventional understanding and opens up possibilities of an existence beyond physical death. Moreover, the book delves into descriptions of a non-material world encountered during NDEs. This realm is depicted as more beautiful, dimensional, and unrestricted by physical limitations, where knowledge is freely accessible, and concepts like time do not apply.

Central to these experiences is the theme of unconditional love. The love felt during NDEs is described as overwhelming and transformative, underlining its paramount importance in both the afterlife and our current existence. The life review is another significant element of NDEs, where experiencers relive their actions, understanding the impact of their behavior on others. This aspect teaches about the interconnectedness of actions and the vital importance of kindness. A profound sense of universal connectedness with all beings and the universe is often reported, along with the realization that thoughts and actions have far-reaching effects.

Coppes also explores the variations in NDEs, noting that they can be both blissful and distressing. Distressing NDEs are seen as opportunities for personal growth and expanded consciousness. The nature of an NDE can be influenced by the individual's mindset, life circumstances, and possibly their spiritual and psychological state at the time of the experience.

Post-NDE, many experiencers report profound personal growth, changes in beliefs, values, and behaviors, and a stronger sense of purpose and unity. Their perception of death and life undergoes a transformation, with a reduced fear of death and a greater appreciation for life. These experiences challenge traditional views of consciousness, suggesting it might exist beyond the physical brain and provide intriguing hints about the possibility of an afterlife.

The ethical and moral lessons from the life review aspect of NDEs emphasize the importance of our actions and their impact on others. The book concludes by reiterating the central themes of love, interconnectedness, and the transformative power of NDEs. It urges readers to live life with greater awareness, compassion, and purpose, reflecting on the profound lessons these experiences provide.

Through this comprehensive exploration, "Impressions of Near-Death Experiences" presents a thought-provoking overview of NDEs. It offers insights into the nature of consciousness, the potential for an afterlife, and the ethical implications of our actions, urging a reconsideration of our understanding of life, death, and what lies beyond.